The RDTTA Committee met via video conference on Tuesday 29th September and made the following decisions :
RDTTA League 2020/21
Due to the current Covid-19 situation, current Government advice and the unavailability of several venues it was decided that, regrettably, there will not be a 2020/21 league season.
From information received, many of our clubs are currently not in a position for league play and only a handful are currently initiating limited practice sessions. This situation is unlikely to improve during the coming winter months.
Instead we would look towards re-establishing league play from September 2021 (i.e. for the 2021/22 season).
Summer League
The RDTTA Committee may look towards having a Summer League, depending on the availability of premises.
Friendly Matches
In the meantime, clubs may wish to arrange friendly matches, either within their club or with teams from other clubs, if it is appropriate for your club to do so. (i.e. if relevant social distancing restrictions can be maintained, bearing in mind the rule of 6 and the need to cease play by 10pm.)
Should any club decide to arrange any friendlies, they should establish the club's position on liability insurance as it is believed such matches are not covered by Table Tennis England membership.
Trophies for 2019/20
There will not now be a Presentation Evening for 2019/20. Instead, trophies have been passed to Club representatives to distribute amongst their relevant players.
RDTTA Committee & AGM
Given the current situation, the 2020 RDTTA AGM will not be held. Instead we will aim to hold the next RDTTA AGM in June 2021. Meanwhile, the current RDTTA Committee members will be asked to continue in their current positions.
2021/22 Season
The RDTTA Committee will be contacting all Clubs to establish the likely availability of their premises for league and cup matches.