Untimely Passing - Updated

Unfortunately the New Year has started with the untimely and unexpected passing of two of our players.

Dave Smith passed away on New Year's Eve. 

Dave's first table tennis club was St Catherine's in Tilehurst, he then moved on to the NALGO Table Tennis Club.  When NALGO TT club disbanded he joined the Tidmarsh Club along with Mick Osborne and Bob Griffiths circa 2002/2003.  

Dave continued to play for Tidmarsh where he made many friends, was very popular and was well known for his sense of humour and his good sportsmanship. Those who played against him will remember his unique ‘fun’ playing style.

In the season 2009-2010 Dave was awarded The Harold Larcombe Sportmanship Award (fully deserved).

Mick Osbourne said:
I knew David for over 50 years having met him through Reading Borough Council. He was a true friend who never said a bad word about anybody.  David would visit me most Wednesday mornings for his coffee and homemade cake, and we would put the world to rights and reminisce.  I think the people that knew him would remember his loud laughter and friendly nature.  Everybody could do with a David Smith in their life.
I shall miss you David.
God Bless You.

Mick Osborne


Marko Madzar recently died of a heart attack while out jogging, aged just 54.

Marko played for Sonning Common and Peppard for several years and thoroughly enjoyed his table tennis. He was always willing to provide useful tips during matches and often spotted areas to help improve performance and will be greatly missed by his teammates.

His insights were so refreshing, for example even though brought up in Germany he knew more about the British Constitution than his English team-mates and would politely inform us of our gaps in knowledge!!  Many hours were spent by Marko and his team-mates putting the world to rights while practising, travelling to and from matches and at social events. He was a special person that occasionally graces one’s life.

We are missing him already and our hearts go out to his wife Silke and his four children, all of whom he loved deeply.

Marko’s Teammates at Sonning C&P




Author: via Reading & District Table Tennis Association
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