Sonning Sports TTC has learned some very sad news: the passing of one of our stalwart members of the 1970s and 80s, Terry Green, who died peacefully in his sleep on 2 September 2024 aged 84. Terry played in well over 200 matches for our Club; he served as Chairman and Secretary, as well as a Team Captain on various occasions.
Stephen Reader via Reading & District Table Tennis Association ::
The celebration of an evening that represents a milestone in the Associations history was an enjoyable occasion for the 55 attendees, a much larger attendance than usual. Available throughout was a display of memorabilia pertaining to the Association and the following: the AGM, Awards Ceremony. Buffet, Prize Raffle and finally a Quiz.
Stephen Reader via Reading & District Table Tennis Association ::
The Newsletter includes important announcements affecting the League's organisation, as well as the usual end of season review together with reports on the latest Tournament results. These reports are this year further enhanced now with Video, in addition to pictures as previously included! The wonderful result reflects the immense amount of work by Derek Wavell!
Stephen Reader via Reading & District Table Tennis Association ::
For those people who knew John, there is a detailed tribute on the Basingstoke & District Table Tennis Association, which can be accessed via this link.
Stephen Reader via Reading & District Table Tennis Association ::
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About Us
Reading & District Table Tennis Association is affiliated to Table Tennis England.
We have 10 Clubs with 40 teams playing in 4 senior divisions, with around 200 playing members in total.
If you live in the Reading area and would like to take up or return to the sport, why not get in contact and join a Club near you?