Local News

Phil's Funeral will be on Monday 23 September 2024 at 12pm. The service, burial and refreshments after will all be held at Old Park Meadow Natural Burial Ground, Coppice Lane, North End, Nr Chelm...


Older players will be saddened to hear that Phil Sharp passed away on Thursday 22 August 2024, aged 90. Phil was a long time member of Chelmsford Table Tennis Club and a regular member of their fir...


The Chelmsford League Management Committee were sad to learn that Danbury TTC President, Peter Linnett, passed away last week. Peter's funeral will be held at Chelmsford Crematorium (South Chap...


Frank's funeral is on Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 1.30pm at White Roding Church.


Future Fixtures
Danbury G vs Hatfield Peverel B

Source: Division 3

Galleywood D vs Maldon B

Source: Division 4

Maldon C vs Galleywood E

Source: Division 5

Source: CJL1B

Danbury A vs Danbury C

Source: Division 1

Danbury J vs Danbury H

Source: Division 3

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